Septic Systems | Percing Land in Warren County, Virginia
A soil evaluation (perc test) was recently completed in the Howellsville region of Warren County, Virginia. The mountainous terrain made it a challenge to find a three bedroom conventional drainfield site. On contour, a 35’ x 120’ strip of soil met local and state requirements for the primary drainfield site. A 100% reserve site was also delineated. This reserve does not need to be installed and is there to meet the environmental health department requirements should the primary drainfield malfunction at some point in time. Once we receive the drainfield location plat from the surveyor, we will submit to the local health department for their required review of our AOSE / OSE soils and design packet for a septic construction permit. This sample was taken from a pit at about 45″. It appears to be a combination of highly weathered phyllites, gneiss and possibly cinnabar....
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