What To Do Before Buying A Home
A home served by an onsite wastewater system (septic) and private water well needs a thorough review before closing. Find out exactly where the septic system components and water well are located as well as their condition and operability. Hint: If nobody knows where the septic tank is, take it as a clue to call a professional. Be sure the existing system was permitted and meets all setback requirements and separation distances from the water supply and property lines. Additionally, do not forget about the reserve area. The forgotten reserve is an area in which a replacement drainfield has been certified and recorded. For example, if there is a barn, garage, or swimming pool on top of the reserve, then it is essential to learn if the reserve area can be replaced. It could be a costly mistake, if a thorough inspection is not completed and one discovers later that they are faced with a failing septic system with no where to...
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